Vitamin C for Gums Health


Everyday we are learning more and more about the importance of a well balanced diet and lifestyle and how it contributes to our overall health and well-being. This is no different when it comes to our oral health. Vitamin deficiencies and intake play a major role in the balance and restoration of our mouths. As we know vitamin D plays a role in the strength of our bones and teeth, just as importantly, healthy levels of vitamin C play a role in our gum and soft tissue health.

While too much orange juice is damaging to teeth, due to the acidity and sugar, the absorption of vitamin C from orange juice into our bloodstream is super beneficial for our gums! This can seem like an oxymoron, but a solution can be to increase the intake of vitamin C in alternate forms (other than just drinking orange juice), like in vitamin/pill Form, liposomal vitamin C supplement or even through simply eating more of the other foods with less acidity that contain a high vitamin C count (like cantaloupe, berries, and broccoli to name a few).

Vitamin C helps to protect gums by aiding in the formation of blood vessels and other tissues responsible for good teeth and gums. Additionally, vitamin C helps gums heal quicker and bleed less. All in all, it is definitely a vitamin you want to include in your diet!

Dentist Chicago

Author: Dr. Nathan Hoffman

Doctor / Practice Owner

Dr. Nathan Hoffman’s philosophy is to provide quality care in a warm, comfortable environment, maintain the highest standards of practice and strive for perfection in all aspects of dentistry. Dr. Nathan Hoffman is continually expanding his education and is ever evolving with the newest advancements in dentistry, offering the latest techniques and technology to his patients.