Invisalign FAQ: The Top Invisalign Questions Answered

Invisalign clear aligners can give you that brilliant smile with perfectly straight teeth that you’ve always dreamed of!

Invisalign FAQ: The Top Invisalign Questions Answered

Invisalign clear aligners can give you that brilliant smile with perfectly straight teeth that you’ve always dreamed of!


Read on to discover all the answers to Invisalign FAQs.

Do your crooked teeth make you feel self-conscious? Are they affecting your ability to chew or causing you pain? Here at The Chicago Dental Studio, we understand how misaligned teeth affect your quality of life, both mentally and physically. Invisalign offers a trusted, effective solution to your problem.

invisalign faq

The Chicago Dental Studio Is “The US’s #1 Invisalign Provider” As Rated by Invisalign Themselves

The Chicago Dental Studio features among the best-rated dentistry practices in the ‘Windy City.’ Our expert dental team has impeccable credentials—Invisalign itself has rated us as “The US’s #1 Invisalign Provider”. It’s awarded us the highest honor of being an Invisalign “Diamond+ Top 1% Invisalign Provider”.

Our emphasis is on providing compassionate care in a relaxed and welcoming setting. Let us boost your confidence and help you meet your personal and professional oral aesthetic goals. Conveniently situated at four locations, we offer truly innovative and empathetic dental care.

To learn more about our Invisalign service, visit our Chicago Invisalign page.

invisalign faqs

Invisalign FAQs: The Most Common Invisalign Questions

Q: What is Invisalign, and what does it do?

A: Invisalign treatment comprises a series of transparent, removable aligners that straighten your teeth and align your bite properly. Each successive set of trays is designed to reposition your teeth in small increments before moving on to the next one.

Q: How long does Invisalign take?

A: We’re often asked, “Is Invisalign faster than braces?” Yes, it is faster if you follow your treatment plan diligently. A big advantage is that you can track your progress, with noticeable results, after a few weeks. The full duration of treatment takes between 3 months and two years, depending on the amount of correction required. The typical length of treatment is six months to 1 year.

Q: Can a dentist do Invisalign treatment?

A: Unlike traditional braces, which are done only by orthodontists, a general dentist can provide Invisalign treatment. However, they must be trained in the product and its administration to become certified Invisalign Providers. You’ll be in the best possible hands at The Chicago Dental Studio!

Q: What material is Invisalign made of?

A: Invisalign aligners are made from an exclusive thermoplastic, multilayer clear polyurethane called SmartTrackâ„¢. This patented material is specifically engineered to move teeth 50% faster and with 75% more predictability than other aligners. It contains no bisphenol-A (BPA), bisphenol-S (BPS), latex, or any other potential endocrine disruptors or allergens.

Q: Is Invisalign invisible?

A: Invisalign is hard to see but not completely undetectable. Your aligners may make your teeth look shinier than normal. Also, more difficult cases may require additional Invisalign attachments, buttons with elastics, power ridges, and bite ramps to assist the process.

Q: Are my teeth too crooked for Invisalign?

A: No case is too difficult for Invisalign. Invisalign aligners are just as effective as traditional braces. The success of complex cases ultimately depends on the skill and experience of your dental practitioner, not the Invisalign technology itself. If you’ve been told you’re not a suitable candidate, don’t ditch Invisalign; ditch the doctor!

Q: Does Invisalign hurt?

A: No, Invisalign shouldn’t cause you any pain. Any initial discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

However, there are possible side effects to be aware of:

  • Soreness or discomfort: New trays can be tight and somewhat uncomfortable, but this usually resolves within a day. We advise that you start with a new set at bedtime so that you can sleep through the initial discomfort.

  • Headache or earache: This may occur if you have a history of grinding your teeth. It should subside within a few days as you get used to the slight pressure from your Invisalign aligners.

  • Allergic reaction: Any reaction to the Invisalign material is extremely rare. However, if you have swelling of the gums, nausea, or dizziness, contact your Invisalign doctor at once.

Q: Is it true that there’s no safe way to move teeth quickly?

A: No, it isn’t true! We use the Propel® System to speed up your orthodontic treatment safely. The Propel device makes tiny pinholes in the bone around your teeth to stimulate a natural inflammatory response. This very quick procedure promotes bone remodeling and accelerates tooth movement, effectively cutting your treatment time in half.

faq invisalign

Q: Will I talk differently with Invisalign?

A: You may have a slight lisp at the very beginning of treatment as your tongue learns to accommodate the aligners in your mouth. You’ll adjust rapidly and be speaking normally again within a day or two.

Q: How long do I have to wear my aligners each day?

A: Ideally, you’ll wear your aligners 20–22 hours per day. You should only remove them to eat or drink and to brush and floss your teeth. If you don’t comply with the 20–22 hour rule, your teeth won’t move into the required position and may start reverting to their original position. You would have to wear your current trays for longer, thus extending your overall length of treatment.

Q: Do I sleep with Invisalign?

A: Yes, you do. Sleep is the time when your body heals and regenerates, so most tooth movement will happen while you’re asleep. If you find it challenging sleeping with Invisalign, try to lie facing upward with your head elevated. This minimizes any salivating or drooling you may experience. Keep a glass of water next to the bed if you have a dry mouth.

Q: How often will I have to change my Invisalign trays?

A: You’ll need to get a new set of aligners every five days to 2 weeks, depending on the speed of treatment determined by your doctor. Each new set of aligners slightly differs from the last to straighten your teeth a bit at a time.

Q: Is Invisalign more expensive than traditional braces?

A: No, Invisalign typically costs the same as braces. Additionally, many dental insurances offer coverage for Invisalign treatment, just the same as for braces. Our expert consultants can assist you with your claim requirements.

Q: What is the best way to clean my Invisalign retainers?

A: Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning your Invisalign aligners:

  • Always start by gently brushing them with lukewarm water.

  • The best way to clean your aligners is by soaking them in a solution made with Invisalign cleaning crystals.

  • Alternatively, you can use a solution made with retainer or denture cleaning tablets.

  • You can make a DIY solution of 1 part distilled white spirit vinegar to 3 parts lukewarm water or equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water.

  • Submerge your aligners in the cleaning solution for 15–20 minutes, and remove and rinse.

  • Never use boiling water on your aligners.

Q: May I eat or drink with my aligners?

A: We’re often asked questions about Invisalign, such as, “Can I drink coffee with my aligners in?” or, “Can I chew gum?” The answer is no! You shouldn’t eat or drink anything except water with your aligners in your mouth, as they could be warped, damaged, or stained. Also, always rinse your mouth with water after eating or drinking to remove any residue that could become trapped underneath your aligners and damage your teeth.

Q: May I smoke with my aligners?

A: Once again, the answer is no! You shouldn’t smoke or vape while wearing your aligners as they can be stained by nicotine or warped by the heat of the inhaled fumes. Besides, smoking and vaping cause high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, gum disease, and bad breath. We know that it’s hard, but perhaps now is the time for you to quit for your good health and the best outcome. Find more about Smoking With Invisalign.

Q: What is the best toothpaste for Invisalign?

A: Please don’t use toothpaste on your aligners—it may damage them and make them cloudy. However, it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene, so always brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes each time. Use whatever good quality toothpaste works well for you or is recommended by your dentist. Don’t forget to rinse your mouth with water before putting your aligners back in.

Q: What must I do if I lose my aligners?

A: We always recommend you save your previous set of aligners, just in case you lose your current set of aligners. If you do happen to lose your aligners, call your Invisalign doctor immediately to order you a new set. Wear your previous set of aligners until your new ones arrive to prevent any regression.

Q: What happens when I’m done with Invisalign?

A: Your teeth have memory and will tend to migrate back toward their original positions. To avoid any relapse in your treatment, we urge you to continue wearing a specially fitted Invisalign retainer at night once you’re finished with Invisalign.

We’re Here to Help You Achieve Your Goals

The Chicago Dental Studio offers you top-quality service and the most reliable advice for Invisalign treatment. Come and see one of our highly skilled, certified Invisalign practitioners for a comprehensive examination and to discuss your options.

We’ll recommend what is best for you and guide you through the whole process toward that dazzling smile! If you have any other Invisalign questions or wish to schedule an appointment, contact us here. Take the first step today!

Locations We Serve

Chicago Dental Studio River North